Столица: Симферополь
Крупнейшие города: Севастополь, Симферополь, Керчь, Евпатория, Ялта
Территория: 26,2 тыс. км2
Население: 1 977 000 (2005)
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В 1968 году под Симферополем был открыт единственный в СССР лунодром площадью несколько сотен квадратных метров, где испытывали настоящие луноходы.

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The historical, literary and art almanac «The Crimean Album» has been published since 1996. It is issued by the publishing house «Koktebel» (Feodosia & Moscow). Essays, materials of local studies, memoirs, epistles, prose and poems connected with the Crimea, with the events that occurred on the peninsula at different periods of its history, as well as with prominent figures of literature and art who lived on this land are published in the almanac.

Sergei Korolyov. «The Third Crimea». The fate of the independence of the Tatars in the third guarter of the 18-th century.
A historical essay about the diplomatic steps taken by Russia in order to proclaim the independence of the Crimea from Stambul and the following annexation of the peninsula by the Russian Empire.

Valentina Naumenko. «The Travel to the End of Russian». The trip made to the Crimea by V.A. Zhukovsky.
This essay is devoted to the travel notes written by the outstanding Russian poet in 1837.

Vassily Zhukovsky. «A Trip to the Crimea». Travel notes. The year 1837.
The publication is dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the first edition of the travel notes and reproduces the text of the first edition. Prince

Peter Ouroussoff. «Reminiscences of a Vanished Age». The Crimean pages of the reminiscences (the USA, 1984).
Select chapters from the book devoted to the stay of the author's family in the Crimea in 1905 and in 1917—1919. An eye-witness's account about the life of Russian aristocracy on the Southern Coast of the Crimea during the Civil War in Russia. The book was first published in Russian in the USA in 1984. The author of the introduction who prepared the publication is Olga Litosh (Yalta).

Marina Zemlyanichenko, Nikolai Kalinin «The Church of St. Nina and the Transfiguration of Our Lord». A gem of Orthodox architecture on the Southern Coast of the Crimea.
An article about the Orthodox church in the former estate of Kharaks tells the reader about the architect N.P. Krasnov and the former owner of the estate — Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich.

Yelena Serapionova. «The Crimea Paradise «Bardo». In search of the villa of Nadezhda and Carel Kramarzh.
The history of the construction of the villa on the South Coast of the Crimea at the beginning of the 20-th century which once belonged to N.N. Kramarzh nee Khludova (Abrikosova in the first marriage) and the well-known Czech politician Carel Kramarzh.

«Yalta One Hundred Years Ago». The life of the town reflected in the headlines of the newspaper «Krymsky Vestnik» issued in 1901.
A selection of short articles published in the newspaper in the first year of the 20-th century.

Yuri Chernichenko. «The Supper Time» From the forthcoming book of memoirs.
Select chapters from the book related to the author's visits to the Crimea in 1934—1948. Yuri Chernicheko, who apart from being a popular writer and journalist, is the Chairman of the Writers' Union of Moscow and the Chairman of the Peasant Party, shares his ideas on the events of the Great Patriotic War, the lack of freedom in the former USSR and the life in the present-day Crimea. The memoirs are published for the first time.

Dmitry Losev. «Carte Postale from Feodosia». What preserved old postcards with local views.
An essay devoted to old postcards wits views of Feodosia issued at the end of the 19-th and at the beginning of the 20-th centuries. The essay is illustrated with more than 20 postcards.

Natalie Manaseina. «The Christmas Eve of Kurnishka». An unpublished book illustrated by Mikhail Latry.
A story for children written by a well-known Russian authoress N.I. Manaseina (1869—1930) is published with the illustrations created by M.P. Latry, a grandson of the great painter of landscapes Aivazovsky. The preface to the story is written by Irina Pogrebetskaya, Chief Curator of the Aivazovsky Picture Gallery in Feodosia, where the illustrations to the story are kept.

Alexander Grin. «To Ninochka from Sainka».
Previously unpublished poems, letters, sketches and notes from albums, addressed by A. Grin to his wife Nina Grin. The selection includes previously unpublished texts written in 1920—1932 from the archieves of the outstanding Russian writer A. Grin. The publication was prepared and supplied with an introduction by Yu.Tsarkova.

Yelena Skryabina. «Along the Crimean Shores». The lithographs by Sergei Lomako and Oksana Kheilik.

The creative portrait of two contemporary artists whose work is connected with the South-Eastern Crimea.
The final chapter of the almanac includes the list of literature about the Crimea published in 2000—2001.

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