Столица: Симферополь
Крупнейшие города: Севастополь, Симферополь, Керчь, Евпатория, Ялта
Территория: 26,2 тыс. км2
Население: 1 977 000 (2005)
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В Балаклаве проводят экскурсии по убежищу подводных лодок. Секретный подземный комплекс мог вместить до девяти подводных лодок и трех тысяч человек, обеспечить условия для автономной работы в течение 30 дней и выдержать прямое попадание заряда в 5-7 раз мощнее атомной бомбы, которую сбросили на Хиросиму.

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The historical, literary and art almanac «The Crimean Album» has been published since 1996. It is issued by the publishing house «Koktebel» (Feodosia & Moscow). Essays, materials of local studies, memoirs, epistles, prose and poems connected with the Crimea, with the events that occurred on the peninsula at different periods of its history, as well as with prominent figures of literature and art who lived on this land are published in the almanac.

The first part of the almanac is devoted to the second millennium since the Birth of Jesus Christ. It begins with the message of greetings from Metropolitan Lazarus of the Crimea and Simferopol.

Anna Opochinskaya. «Sing the Praises of the Memory of His Holiness.» Church monuments in the Russian architecture of the Crimea.
An essay written by a well-known expert on the history of architecture from Moscow describes a number of Russian Orthodox churches in the Crimea which apart from religious significance are of great historical and cultural value — the Cathedral of St. Vladimir in Sevastopol, the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky in Yalta, the church of Stephan of Surozh in the Kisiltash monastery and some others.

Archbishop Innokenty. «On the Opening of the Newly — Founded Secluded Monastery on the Uspensky Rock».
It is the first publication of the letter from Archbishop Innokenty of Cherson and Tauria (1800—1857) to the governor of the province of Tauria about the upcoming consecration of the Uspensky monastery in Bakhchisarai. The letter is supplemented with the edict of Nicholas I «to commemorate certain areas on the Taurichesky peninsula with the establishment of ecclesiastical institutions...» The publication of the letter was prepared by L. Kravtsova.

Alexander Kravtsov. «The Monastery-to Liquidate!» Documents of the 1920-s from ar-chieves telling about the closure and attempts to revive the Uspensky secluded monastery.
This publication, based on historic documents, continues the story of the famous Crimean Orthodox cloister.

Ludmila Yaselskaya. «A Window into the Heavenly World». From the history of icons in Taurida.
An essay about the true and false renewals of some icons in Taurida in the 19th—20th centuries. The essay is based on the documents from the State Archives of Crimea (Simferopol).

«It Was the Lord's Will».
Documents from the State archieves of the Crimea related to the life of Archbishop Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky), the outstanding Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church who was born in Kerch and was the Archbishop of the Crimea and Simferopol during the last years of his earthly life. The publication was prepared by L. Kravtsova who also wrote a preface to it.

Archbishop Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky). «The Words Addressed to the Congregation».
Select sermons given in Simferopol in the year 1952 prepared for publishing by L. Yaselskaya.

Galina Churak. «The Last Landscape». The 26 «Crimean» months of Fyodor Vasilyev.
An essay devoted to the last years of the outstanding Russian painter F.A. Vasilyev (1850—1873) which he spent in Yalta. Written by a well-known art historian from Moscow, the essay deals with the painter's biography and includes fragments from his correspondence with the painter Ivan Kramskoy.

Vladimir Lobytsyn, Zinaida Livitskaya. «A Seaside Sanatorium in Yalta». Old photographs with Crimean views from the USA.
An article about a former sanatorium in Yalta named after Her Majesty Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna. The article is devoted to the photographs taken in 1916 and recently handed over to the Russian Cultural Foundation by the American-Russian Cultural and Charity Society «Motherland» (the USA).

Vladimir Korobov. «The Last Summer». From the poems composed in the Crimea.
A collection of poems written by a contemporary poet from Moscow who spent over 30 years of his life in the Crimea where he used to work as a researcher in the Chekhov Memorial Museum in Yalta.

Galina Kuznetsova. «Bakhchisarai». A story about the days of the Crimean Exodus.
A short story written by a Russian emigre authoress who was once in love with Ivan Bunin. The story is published in the Crimea and Russia for the first time. The text is taken from the collection «The Morning» (Paris, 1930). The preface to the story is written by Victor Le-onidov and is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the authoress's birth.

Prince Georgy Dondukov-Izydinov. «The Shooting». The Pier in Yalta, as seen by an eye-witness.
This is first publication of the reminiscences about the tragic events in Yalta in 1918 written by a former officer from the regiment of Hussar Guards. The introduction to the reminiscences from the private archives of Vladimir and Irina Shidlovsky (Paris) was written by the art historian Anna Galichenko (Alupka) who prepared the publication.

Yuri Galabutzky. «Aivazovsky». Rersonal recollections.
Memoirs about the great Russian seascape painter I.K. Aivazovsky (1817—1900) born in Feodosia. The essay is dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the painter's death. The publication was prepared and supplied with an introduction by LDevyatko.

Dmitry Losev. «About the Teacher of the Russian Language and Literature Yu.A.Galabutsky».
A biographical sketch about the author of memoirs and the school teacher of the poet M. Voloshin.

Irina Repina. «I Will Take the Fairy-Tale to People...» The roads of Margarita Sabashnikova.
An essay about the days spent in the Crimea by the authoress and artist M.V. Sabashnikova who was the first wife of the outstanding Russian poet M.A. Voloshin.

Margarita Voloshina (Sabashnikova). «The Tale of the Crucified Tsarevich». From the legacy of M. Sabashnikova.
The text of the tale which is kept at the department of manuscripts in the State Library of Russia (Moscow) is published for the first time. The tale was written in Koktebel and Moscow in 1906. The publication was prepared by Irina Repina.

Igor Levichev «I Roam Alone in the Whole Universe...» Margarita Sabashnikova in Koktebel.
Among the other things the essay tells the reader about the photograph collection and works of art by M. Sabashnikova from the Memorial Museum of M. Voloshin in Koktebel.

Mikhail Sarandinaki «The Fleeting Caresses of Southern Spring». Poems from a canvas-bound notebook. 1901—1914.
A collection of poems belonging to the pen of M.N. Sarandinaki (1874—1917), an author from Feodosia who was in charge of the meteorological station in the port of Feodosia. Most of the poems are published for the first time. The text of the poems is taken from a hand-written notebook of Sarandinaki which now belongs to Yelena Skryab-ina, the author of the introduction to this publication.

Igor Tatarintsev. «The Man Who Was Able to See the Earth». Sketches to the portrait of Valentin Naugolny.
An essay about the contemporary architect and photographer from Feodosia V.N. Naugolny (1939—2000). The essay is illustrated wits three colour photographic panoramas on the insets of the almanac.

The final chapter of the almanac includes the list of literature about the Crimea published in 1999—2000.

Рецензии на выпуски альманаха «Крымский альбом» и серию краеведческих книг, отклики на презентации наших изданий в культурных центрах Крыма и России — своего рода хроника жизни Издательского дома «Коктебель». Понимая небезразличность суждений и откликов в судьбе книги, а также оставаясь верными заведенному правилу, представляем фрагменты некоторых статей и заметок, явленных предыдущим томом «Крымского альбома» и книжными выпусками издательства. Публикации российских и крымских изданий, цитируемые в настоящей подборке, появились в период, прошедший с момента выхода в свет альманаха «Крымский альбом 1999».

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